Contacting Us at Long Beach Cottage Rentals
Please, as you contact Long Beach Cottages, remember we are a friendly family community.
Thank you!
Currently the best way to Contact Us is simply email us: You’ll have to replace the number Zero with the letter “o” twice in “Yahoo” for it to go through. But that proves you’re a human. It’s also the best way to introduce yourself and give us an idea how we can help you live the Long Beach dream.
Likewise you may leave a message at our office number in the 905 area code: 8 9. 9-1.8 5.. 6 and we’ll get together that way.
Long Beach Cottage Rentals home

Saved you a chair close to me and to the Beach and to the Lake. Both!

Wanna try SUP? That’s “Stand Up Paddlin'” for you city folk.

Play in the sand, it’s wonderful.